Life with dogs can be enriching. But when we don’t have the right mindset, systems, and tools in place, life with dogs can also be exhausting.
As the creator of the Dog-Gone Leadership program and as a dog trainer, I have a unique perspective when it comes to creating a harmonious home with our pets. Therefore, I’ve made it my mission to raise awareness of the impact dogs can have on our lives and to reduce the number of dogs that are sent to shelters or abandoned.
In this section of the website, you find resources and support to address certain issues with your dogs.
Forever Your Dog is an online course for families who just adopted a dog or who want to learn how to enrich their lives with dogs. The advanced version also allows me to give back to rescue groups who always are in need of resources to help more dogs.
Events – each month I host the Dog Owner Support Group Virtual Hour where you can get support from other dog owners and where you can ask dog-training and life-with-a-dog-related answers.
TEDx talk “How dogs make us better leaders” raises awareness of how dogs bring out the best in us when we bring out the best in them.