Definition of Work-Life Balance

A few weeks back I was interviewed on the topic of work-life balance for physicians. Here is the 3rd question I was asked and my response. How do you define work-life balance?   I must admit, I personally don’t like the term work-life balance since it not only...
Do What Matters To You – Life Doesn’t Wait

Do What Matters To You – Life Doesn’t Wait

For the longest time, I had “legit” reasons and time-related excuses to skip working out. To put a stop on that I signed up for a Tough Mudder event, which is a 10.3 mile run with 21 different muddy, mental, and strength related challenges. Committing to...

What Is A Balanced Physician

When I started the balanced physician program in 2004, I did it with the goal in mind to help physicians have more work life balance. At that time I offered the program to the market place but it wasn’t ready for it except the physicians who felt burned out and...
Lessons Of Balance During Travels

Lessons Of Balance During Travels

This has been an interesting and different week for me. On Tuesday I returned from a five day long trip to Kuwait City and Germany. I was invited to speak about coaching in healthcare to physicians and healthcare leaders in Kuwait at the 3rd Annual Coaching...
Online Exclusive: Is Part-Time Hospitalist Work Right For You?

Online Exclusive: Is Part-Time Hospitalist Work Right For You?

Here is another article in “The Hospitalist” online magazine where my opinion about part-time work was published. You can read the entire article on their webpage at ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Is Part-Time Hospitalist Work Right for You?  Article – The Hospitalist....