Power Hacks with Power Naps

Power Hacks with Power Naps

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely hate feeling tired and sluggish. As someone who works with clients on performance optimization all the time, I often talk about the power of naps and the importance of sleep. Research consistently shows that getting...
How to Stay Ahead of Problems and Crises

How to Stay Ahead of Problems and Crises

When your car makes a weird noise or when your check engine light comes on, do you tend to ignore it for a long period of time or do you take immediate action and drive by your car repair shop to get it checked out? Today, while going to a networking event, I noticed...
Useful Tip for Stressful Times

Useful Tip for Stressful Times

Today’s affirmation on Louise Hay’s calendar reads “I have more than enough time to do everything I want. Time expands for me.” It seems as if time is one of the most scarce resources we have in life and work. I see leaders running from one meeting to the next never...
Tighten up those Boundaries or else…

Tighten up those Boundaries or else…

It is almost summer which is the time for weekly lawn mowing. When you instruct your landscape company to take care of your lawn, where do they stop with mowing? At the boundary line. I assume you don’t instruct them to mow your neighbor’s back lawn as well. After...
Three Ways To Ease A Disaster And Save The Day

Three Ways To Ease A Disaster And Save The Day

A friend of mine recently posted the following story on her Facebook page: “Finally on a plane, and should be on the way to New York soon. A flight attendant just explained what happened: first plane was delayed, so they had to wait for another plane. At that point,...

Time Management and Life Priorities for Physicians

If we can’t add a 25th hour to the day, how can we manage our time to accommodate the things we want to do besides work? First, it starts with managing our energy. So many times it is not that we don’t have the time to do the things we want to do but we don’t have the...