Summer Time is Vacation Time: Relax or Stress?

Summer Time is Vacation Time: Relax or Stress?

Are you looking forward to your summer vacation?Ah, summer! The season of sunshine, travel, and, ideally, relaxation. But for many high-stakes professionals— attorneys, finance gurus, business owners and the like, —summer vacation can feel more like an impending storm...
Power Hacks with Power Naps

Power Hacks with Power Naps

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely hate feeling tired and sluggish. As someone who works with clients on performance optimization all the time, I often talk about the power of naps and the importance of sleep. Research consistently shows that getting...
How to Stay Ahead of Problems and Crises

How to Stay Ahead of Problems and Crises

When your car makes a weird noise or when your check engine light comes on, do you tend to ignore it for a long period of time or do you take immediate action and drive by your car repair shop to get it checked out? Today, while going to a networking event, I noticed...
Creating Freedom in Structure…

Creating Freedom in Structure…

….. is a topic that I explored this morning in a networking/coaching group called Roswell Cross Connect led by Peter Gibson. During this 90-minute conversation, we discussed how to build a business by overcoming opposite buttons. Actions or inaction. Courage or...
Need a Short Time Out? Take It!

Need a Short Time Out? Take It!

Last week I spoke with a gynecologist in private practice who told me that he couldn’t remember the last time he took a vacation. His wife and children frequently travel to the beach and overseas, but he just cannot take time off from his practice. When I asked him...

First Step in Building Work-Life Balance

A few weeks back I was interviewed on the topic of work-life balance for physicians. Here is the 4th question I was asked and my response. Can you comment on how the first step in building work-life balance is defining work-life balance for oneself and one’s...