Recently I read a survey result published by athenahealth in July of 2016 and conducted through Epocrates, a mobile app for physicians. It revealed that only 20% of more than 2000 physicians met the criteria for engagement. Interestingly enough, two main criteria for...
Last year, Georgia Association of Healthcare Executives implemented a program series called “Lunch with the CEO” where each month a small group of GAHE members can join a hospital CEO for 90 minutes and ask various questions about their leadership experience. On...
“As a leader listen, observe. interact, be transparent. You don’t have to have all the answers. Leave open space for others to create.” A lot of leaders think that they have to have all the answers. After all, they were promoted into leadership either...
Using Neuroscience-Based Tools Suppose that you have argued with a colleague or friend, and you now avoid talking to this person. Your relationship is damaged, and you wonder how to repair and restore it — how to start over, make up, rebuild trust, and work through...
Healthcare is an ever-changing and emotionally-intense industry. What we know for sure is that only the strongest organizations will survive. What separates the strong organizations from the struggling is two-fold: the organization’s ability to align and...
To excel in the highly demanding, ever-changing healthcare market doesn’t simply require technical skills (clinical skills for providers; business skills for administrators, etc.); it equally requires self-management and interpersonal skills. A study by the Dale...