Rise to the Challenge: Dogs, Leadership, and Personal Growth

Rise to the Challenge: Dogs, Leadership, and Personal Growth

A couple of months ago, Jeff Christian from C4Leaders.org invited me to his podcast “Life’s Essential Ingredients Podcast.” Jeff leads the only non-profit organization to utilize the pizza-making process to create learning opportunities for those we...
What Dogs Tell Me: Unleashing Leadership with Dogs

What Dogs Tell Me: Unleashing Leadership with Dogs

🎧 Listen on Spotify Earlier this year, I was invited to the Podcast “What Animals Tell Me” with Annie Bourke from Australia. In this episode, we discussed the powerful intersection of animal insights and leadership development. We exchanged our...


The latest episode of the GrownLearn podcast explores the unique connection between owning a dog and career success. According to a study by Kelton Research, 78% of C-suite executives attribute their success to owning a pet as a child. In “Unleash the Leader in...
How Dogs Train Business Leaders

How Dogs Train Business Leaders

How do you incorporate dogs into training business leaders? Now that varies because I have group workshops that I provide in companies and I also work 1-1 with business leaders all over the country. Let’s start with the second, when clients tell me about a...
Dog-Gone Leadership is effective in pet-friendly Workplaces

Dog-Gone Leadership is effective in pet-friendly Workplaces

I know you say that one of your sweet spots are pet-friendly companies. Can you tell us why? Yes, of course. I love pet-friendly companies for several reasons. They are employee-focused. They understand that they have to serve their employees and provide a convenient...